Transforming Spaces: Your Ultimate Guide to Anchorage Interior Design

Learn the benefits of working with an interior designer and how the process works.

Photo of boho style living room. Are you looking for an Anchorage interior design services? You've found the right website!

Did you know that one of the nicknames for Anchorage, Alaska, is “Tent City?"

The nickname dates back to 1915 when over 2,000 workers lived in tents and temporary structures on the North shore of Ship Creek near where downtown Anchorage is today.

The workers came to Anchorage to start construction on the Alaska Railroad. Many of them stayed, and eventually, Anchorage was established as an official townsite.

It's wild to think that what began as a tent city now has custom furniture and interior design services to accommodate the 291,000+ Alaskans who live in the Anchorage municipality.

But it's true! Now, Anchorage isn't exactly the interior design capital of the world. (Yet!) But as you already know, the artists and creatives that live in this State are unmatched. And that goes for interior designers, too.

So, what exactly is Anchorage Interior Design? From practical style tips to Alaskan-themed aesthetics, the team at Furniture Classics is here to fill you in.

We have over 35 years of experience understanding what kind of interior design materials and techniques work in the 49th State – and which ones don't.

That's why we created this guide to help you learn how about working with an interior designer to create beautiful, functional interior spaces that you'll never want to leave—even in the middle of winter.

Are you ready to learn about Anchorage interior design? Let's get started.

Photo of living room display with yellow chairs and a green sofa. Do you need Anchorage interior design services? Visit our Anchorage furniture store to get inspired!

Why is Interior Design Important?

Is investing money into an interior designer worth it? The short answer is yes.

Interior design is way more than just matching the color of your sofa to your throw pillows (although that plays a role!)  A professional Anchorage interior designer considers many factors when designing a space that works for you and your budget.

Here are four of the benefits of working with an interior designer:

1. Professional Expertise

Interior designers have specialized training and experience in creating spaces that are both functional and visually appealing.

They understand design principles, color theory, and how to place furniture, lighting, and decor, allowing them to create environments that are cohesive and harmonious.

2. Access to Resources

Interior designers have access to a wide range of resources, including furniture, fabrics, accessories, and trusted contractors.

Their established relationships can help secure quality products and services at competitive prices, and find the unique pieces to create a design that reflects your style.

3. Time and Budget Management

Interior designers help streamline your design process, saving you time and money.

They also work to keep your project within budget by sourcing cost-effective materials and preventing costly mistakes.

4. Personalized Design Solutions

Designers take the time to understand your needs, preferences, and lifestyle. They create tailored solutions that reflect your personality and enhance the functionality of your space, ensuring a customized and unique result.

The benefits of working with an Anchorage interior design expert are even more significant here in Alaska since we're so far from outside resources.

Enlisting a professional who expertly selects items for your home ensures those items are functional and perfectly match your style. This means you won’t have to deal with the hassle of returns and having to start the design process all over again.

Now that you know some benefits of working with an interior designer, let's discuss how the materials you choose fit into an overall design strategy that’s made for Alaska.

Photof of comfy sofa with pretty lamps behind it. Are you searching for an Anchorage interior designer? Book a free consult to see if we're your perfect fit.

Practical Concerns for Anchorage Interior Design

When working to create an interior design for your Anchorage home, you want to consider your surrounding environment, and in this case, it's one of the most extreme environments in the world.

Anchorage interior design is unique because of the Alaskan climate.

The choices you make for your interior design need to reflect the realities of both our sub-zero winters and our warm and humid summers, not to mention the changes in the amount of daylight we receive throughout the year.

Here are a few of the factors that are important to keep in mind:

  • Durable Materials: No matter where you live in Alaska, there are pretty good odds you're going to walk in the door with some snow or mud in tow. 

    That’s why quality flooring finishes are important. Whether it’s tile, stone hardwood, luxury vinyl tile, or carpet, investing money into your flooring is a wise choice.

    Pro-Tip: If you’re choosing carpet, make sure to invest in the highest quality you can afford, because it usually comes with a 20-year warranty, which will save you money in the long run.

  • Hardwood Furniture: Did you know that the strength of your furniture is impacted by the air that surrounds it?

    During the summer, the wood furniture in your home absorbs a lot of moisture and expands. But when the furnace turns on in the fall, that moisture is sucked out, which is why it's essential to have furniture made of kiln-dried hardwood in your home that can withstand extreme temperature changes.

    Kiln-dried hardwood furniture lasts longer because it doesn't crack, split, or peel.

  • Customized Lighting:  At its darkest point of winter, Anchorage gets only 5 hours and 28 minutes of daylight. That's why Anchorage interior designers pay extra special attention to the lighting in your home.

    Designers consider the purpose of each room and the amount of natural daylight (or lack thereof) it receives. They make recommendations for lighting that ensure you can see comfortably – and in style –  even in the dark of winter.

A good lighting plan makes all the difference: Making tasks easier, illuminating colors and artwork, and creating the right ambiance in your home.

By considering the most challenging parts of living in Alaska and addressing them head-on through interior design, your indoor environment can be a welcome reprieve from the elements.

Photo of red sofa with butterfly artwork behind it. Are you searching for Anchorage interior design services? Book a free consult to get started!

How Do You Work With an Anchorage Interior Designer?

When working with an interior designer, the relationship widely depends on your project and how involved you want them to be.

The process usually starts with consultation, where you review your project, timeframe, and budget with the designer. 

Next, the designer makes recommendations and lays out the scope of their work. Once you feel like you’ve found the right designer for your project, a deposit may be requested and the work can begin.

You can enlist the help of an interior designer for a single room like an Anchorage home office or an entire home that needs a professional eye and someone who can confidently select all the finishes, furnishings, and accessories.

Here are the main areas of a project that an interior designer helps with:

1. Interior Finishes:

This includes lighting, flooring, paint colors, and countertops.

Your interior designer can advise on an overall design approach and recommend items, patterns, and colors that are durable enough for Alaska, look great together, and meet your family's needs.

2. Space Planning:

An interior designer will create what's usually called a "space plan" or "floor plan" to illustrate the layout of your space, including furniture placement, fixtures, and other elements within the room.

The floor plan includes a bird's-eye view of the room to visualize the spatial arrangement and flow.

3. Furniture:

Your interior designer pays special attention to the furniture in your home, choosing specialized sizes, fabrics, and colors that complement the overall vision and floor plan.

The designer may show you options in an Anchorage furniture store or guide you through the process of ordering custom furniture in the exact color, finishing, and fabric that you’ve been dreaming of.

Think of interior designers as advisors or consultants. They use their expertise to recommend products and colors that will complement your overall aesthetic and then present you with options.

You and your interior designer work together to figure out how orders will be placed.

When you order furniture from Furniture Classics, we coordinate the shipping, receipt, deluxing, delivery, and installation directly to your home. It’s our specialty!

P.S. - When you place a furniture order through us, other interior design services are included!

Every interior designer works differently, so it's best to ask them directly what it will be like to work with them.

Photo of modern rustic living room display. Are you searching for an Anchorage interior designer? We can help!

How Much Does It Cost To Work With an Interior Designer?

Most people think that working with an interior designer is expensive.

However, an interior designer can save you money by guiding you on where you should spend your hard-earned dollars for maximum impact.

Many of our clients at Furniture Classics are surprised by how far we can stretch their budget.

Colleen Hickey, Founder of Furniture Classics in Anchorage says “Clients come in thinking they can only afford a sofa, and after careful planning, they end up leaving with furniture for an entire room that is beautiful and exceeds their budget expectations.”

An interior designer also helps prevent costly mistakes, which are often made by DIY designers — just check out some HGTV shows for proof!

An interior designer helps ensure you don’t order the wrong flooring, the wrong countertop material, or paint colors that end up looking different on the wall than you had expected. You should only have to paint once!

Interior designers also know the correct order to handle a project so that costly mistakes are avoided.

To get an idea of how much an interior designer’s services cost, request a compliementary consultation and then go from there.

Here at Furniture Classics, we provide you with an estimated cost after our first meeting together.

Photo of living room in vintage modern style. Do you need an Anchorage interior designer? Schedule a free consult!

Defining Anchorage Interior Design Styles

It's safe to say that Alaskans will always retain their penchant for survival and practicality. It's written into our DNA.

Although you may think that Alaskan interior design has to include a bear-skin rug and a moose antler chandelier, that sort of in-your-face rustic aesthetic is actually on its way out.

Anchorage interior designer Colleen Hickey says "Anchorage is a vibrant city with diversity and culture — and residents who are inspired by styles from all over the world. If I had to explain the style of Anchorage interior design, that would be it.”

Here are four of the most popular interior design styles you’ll find in Anchorage:

  • Classic Contemporary:

    Classic contemporary is best described as modern design, without being overly trendy. The style includes clean lines and sleek profiles in classic shapes that aren’t quickly outdated.

    Mid-century modern is an example of classic contemporary design.

  • Rustic Modern:

    It’s no surprised that rustic modern would be a favorite design style in Alaska.

    This style blends organic elements of nature like wood, with pops of color, and puts a modern twist on it without being overly dressed up or finished.

    Rustic modern includes hallmarks such as wire-brushes textures on tabletops, rather than the high-shine heavily veneered glossy tables of yesteryear.

  • Vintage Modern:

    Vintage modern is a style inspired by mid-century design that is sleeker and has a touch of glam.

    This style includes vintage elements like fur and faux fur, with interspersed metallics.

  • New Traditional:

    New traditional is a syle that pulls from traditional elements interpreted in a fresh new way.

    For example,  new traditional style includes items like wing chairs, but they aren’t as formal as what your parents or grandparents had.

    Another example of new traditional is the classic four-poster bed. New traditional includes this classic style, but instead of the bed posts being heavily carved, they are sleek and modern.

Although wood-paneling had its moment in Anchorage interior design, that trend is long gone – and get this – wallpaper is coming back!

From choosing the most durable materials and fabrics to creating a welcoming escape from the harsh outdoor world, embracing Anchorage interior design can make living in Alaska that much sweeter.

Whether you’re designing a cabin in Girdwood, a getaway in Homer, or want to add some glam to your Bootlegger’s Cove home, Furniture Classics can bring your vision to life.

What's our style? Check out our gallery online, or visit our showroom to find out! Then, book a consultation with our designer to get the same kind of look for your own home.

We’re located Downtown, in the heart of Tent City USA.

P.S. - All of the furniture featured in this blog is available for custom ordering at Furniture Classics! Including that gorgeous red sofa!


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